
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy days, oh happy days!!!!

It's here, it's here,
Let's give a cheer!
To the most wonderful day,
Of the year!
"What's going on?"
"What's that you say?"
"Why are you so excited?"
Because, IT'S MOVE IN DAY!!!
That's right people! After 371 loooooooong days, we are FINALLY moving into the house!!!!
I am so excited that I don't even know what to do with can't only be expressed through Napoleon's display of pure joy and happiness!
We had three truckloads worth of stuff to move in and four guys knocked it out in 3.5 hours.  Let me tell you, movers are worth their weight in gold!!!
Although the movers got everything into the is our funfilled job to unpack it all and put THREE TRUCKLOADS worth of crap stuff into our beautiful new home (well in my opinion at least...but hey, this project has been a year so it's like the house is my baby...and it will always be beautiful in my eyes no matter what anyone says)!  I will stop back by tomorrow with some pictures of the destruction that is now the inside of our house and the game plan to organize, purge and put away all of our worldly belongings.  But for now, let's reserve this day for happiness and dancing shall we? If you need me, I will be in the front of the house celebrating...just look for the pink tutu!


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