
Monday, August 12, 2013

Let There Be Light (Part 2) (AKA: More Flush Mounts That Don't Suck)

Hi everyone! I hope that you had a great weekend. I am starting to see my friends post "first-day-of-school" pics to Facebook and CANNOT believe that the summer is coming to a close! The past three months have absolutely FLOWN by.  Although the end of summer is always sad, it means that we are heading to one of my favorite times of year - FOOTBALL SEASON! Matt and I love going to the games to cheer on the Texans, my alma maters (Go Coogs! and Go Gators!) and Matt's alma mater (Gig'em Johnny Football!). The tailgates, the friends and family, the atmosphere, the weather...ahh yes people, I seriously have a hard time thinking of a better way to spend my weekends!!! And the beginning of football season is always so exciting because it is filled with anticipation, hope and visions of your teams (professional, college and fantasy) kicking butt and taking home the championship that year! There are only 19 days until kick-off...IT'S (almost) GAMEDAY! So now back to the blog. After my last post, I received several questions about other flush mount and semi-flush mounts lights that we liked and that satisfied my "NO BOOB LIGHT" criteria. So I have pulled together 16 other lights that we considered during the whittling down process (and in my humble opinion, that don't suck):

Check here if you want to see the flush mount and semi-flush mount lights that we picked out. Oh, and here is some other super exciting news about the house:
That's right folks! If all goes as planned, we should be moving into the house in 30 days!!! Happy days, oh happy days! All we have left is to finish the paint and floors and to install all the fixtures (lights, faucets, toilets, etc.).  We gave our 30-day notice to the apartment today, so there is no turning back now! I'll keep you posted as the countdown continues. Please send good thoughts our way that we get this job done. I officially have 30 days to choreograph my SUPER DUPER HAPPY DANCE, which will be on full display for the world to see when those moving vans arrive! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!!!


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