
Thursday, June 6, 2013

{Trip Report} Ireland & Scotland 2013

Hello everyone and happy Thursday!  Sorry that I have been AWOL for the past two weeks, but we were on vacation ringing in Mattey's BIG 4-0!  We ventured across the pond to Ireland and Scotland, where we drank our weight in Guinness and ate our weight in haggis.....mmmmmmmm, haggis.  We also visited some amazing castles and gardens:
Powerscourt Gardens, Ireland
Played some amazing golf Played golf at some amazing courses, including The Old Course at St. Andrews (SCORE!!!!):
The Old Course, St. Andrews, Scotland
But hands down the best part of the trip - making amazing memories with some of our dearest friends!

St. Andrews, Scotland
Oh, and believe it or not, it only rained for a grand total of 45 minutes the entire 12 days that we were in Ireland and Scotland!!!  How fantastic is that?!?!  It made me jump for joy several times throughout the trip (eeehhhheeemmm....cue obligatory vacation-jumping-photo)

Dunnoottar Castle, Stonehaven, Scotland
I am putting together a full trip report for each of the cities that we visited (Dublin, Aberdeen, St. Andrews and Edinburgh) along with some hotel, restaurant, site-seeing, and insider tips...but wanted to drop in an say hello in the mean time!  Oh, I will also give you some updates on the casa too...but long story short, it still isn't finished and we still are looking at the end of July for our target move-in date.  Fingers crossed! I hope that you have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!

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