
Thursday, February 14, 2013

American Heros

So this post has nothing to do with DIY or our home renovation; however, it's really cool experience that Matt had at the "GE University" this week that I wanted to share with you guys.  Specifically, Matt had the opportunity to attend a presentation by John Jonas, Deputy Chief 7th Division NYFD, Former Captain of Ladder 6, NYFD, who was a first responder at the World Trade Center on September 11th.  Reading Matt's story reminds me how much I appreicate all the amazing men and women who put themselves at risk everyday to protect us - be it the police, fire department, or military - and I just wanted to say thank you!  So here is Matt's story:

I had the privilege to hear a speech from John Jonas, Deputy Chief 7th Division NYFD, Former Captain of Ladder 6, NYFD. He and his team entered the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001 on a search and rescue mission. They began ascending stairway B, the center most stairwell. After the South Tower collapsed, the order was given to cease ascending and to evacuate, they were on the 27th floor. They were descending the stairs, knowing that time was of the essence, when they found Josephine Harris, a 59 year old lady who had descended from the 73rd floor and could no longer proceed. She insisted that they go on without her but they stopped and assisted her down anyway at a much reduced rate of speed. Now on the fourth floor, the North Tower collapsed. They were trapped. After four long hours, the Ladder 6 team and Josephine all managed to escape the burning pile of steel under the guidance of John Jonas. He entered the Tower with 6 people and left with 7. He was the last one out. People say his leadership saved the lives of his team and Josephine Harris. He says, he and his team were saved by Josephine Harris. They were in the only place they could have been to have survived. Had they not slowed down to save Josephine, had they moved a little more quickly, they would have likely been crushed on a lower floor. A few years ago Josephine past away. She had no family to claim her at the morgue and was destined to be sent away without ceremony. John Jonas would not allow this. He rallied support and was able to provide her with a proper funeral which was attended by over 100 NYFD members and Mayor Giuliani. He and Ladder 6 served as pallbearers. It is an amazing story and he is a true hero. This is the coat that John Jonas was wearing on September 11th, 2001.

Wow...I just think that is an amazing story and it gives me chills everytime I read it.  Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  And if you have an opportunity, try to thank those who protect us and keep us safe.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! I'm following you via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster
